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Vincent Leclerc
"Animateur de soirée", "Maitre de cérémonie", "MC", "Speaker", "animation", "Modérateur", "animation de soirée", "animateur radio", "animateut tv", "Animateur télévision", "chroniqueur", "chauffeur de salle", "warm up artist", "voix off", "voice over". "Animateur bilingue", "Animation bilingue"
Coach, Hypno, Conférencier, Animateur
Coach, Hypno, Speaker, Moderator
"Animateur de soirée", "Maitre de cérémonie", "MC", "Speaker", "animation", "Modérateur", "animation de soirée", "animateur radio", "animateur tv", "Animateur télévision", "chroniqueur", "chauffeur de salle", "warm up artist", "voix off", "voice over". "Animateur bilingue", "Animation bilingue"
Click on the name of your team to go to your game room.
** If the QUIZSHOW and LOTOQUIZ windows do not appear, click on the QUIZSHOW and LOTOQUIZ buttons.
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